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Beating Burnout

Beating Burnout: It Starts with You!

July 02, 20244 min read

Although my journey is only beginning, I now recognize that “The Other Side of Burnout” is beautiful. I am a better father, husband, son, friend, leader, mentor, and colleague for choosing to regain control. - Bruce Hall

On July 11th, I will sit down with Bruce Hall to learn about his experience with burnout and how he overcame it. One interesting thing about his story is that he still works at the organization where he experienced burnout. This got me thinking: how many people use their company as their excuse for burnout? What many need to realize is that your workplace may not be as toxic as you think. Many people struggle to speak up for themselves because of past issues or do not know how to practice self-care or establish boundaries. Fighting burnout starts with the self. So, before you quit your job or switch careers because you experienced burnout, try these five tips first.

1. Establish a Self-Care Routine Outside the Office

Creating a self-care routine is crucial to maintaining your mental and physical health. This might include activities like exercise, meditation, hobbies, or simply taking time to relax. It's essential to have activities that allow you to recharge and disconnect from work. I work with clients to develop routines, first in the morning so they can set their intention for the day and then before bedtime so they can rest more peacefully.

2. Find and Eliminate Time Wasters

Many clients tell me “they don’t have time” to exercise or practice self-care. However, when we thoroughly examine their schedules, I can usually find 1-2 hours per week for self-care activities. Identifying and eliminating time wasters such as excessive social media use, repetitive tasks or unproductive meetings is fundamental for effectively using your time. The process of evaluating your time will help you reclaim time for self-care.


3. Talk to Your Leaders About Your Workload and Expectations

If your workload is overwhelming, raise your concerns with your leaders. Talk to them openly about the job description and expectations of your role. Ask for additional training if you are struggling to meet expectations. Communicating your needs can lead to more manageable workloads and better support from your organization. Leaders in your organization cannot help you if you do not raise concerns. I have worked with clients who were too afraid to ask for help and were pleasantly surprised by the positive response they received when they worked up the courage to discuss their needs with their supervisors.

4. Release Perfectionism

Many people dealing with burnout have a perfectionist mentality. It's important to learn that it's okay to be imperfect. While certain professions require high precision, not everything in life needs to be perfect. Allow yourself to embrace "good enough" in areas where perfection is not critical, such as household chores. Learn to focus on progress and not perfection. How can you make something just 2% better versus how do I get this perfect?

5. Practice the Art of Letting Go

Delegating tasks can help reduce your workload and stress. Many people experiencing burnout have trust issues and feel they must do everything themselves. There is a significant connection between perfectionism and control; clients say, “If I want it done right, I need to do it.” Or “I don’t want to give this up because what if the other person messes it up.” Letting go and embracing a “good enough” mentality is critical for reducing daily stress.  Look for areas where you can delegate tasks to others, both personally and professionally. This can free up time and mental energy.

While there are many toxic workplaces and bosses in the world, we need to stop using the workplace as our scapegoat for burnout. We need to take personal responsibility for our actions, boundaries, time, and emotions. We need to speak up. Sometimes, this may mean leaving a job, but more often than not, it is about crafting the proper routine and setting the appropriate boundaries.

Remember, beating burnout starts with you. Take the necessary steps to prioritize your well-being and create a balanced life. Join us on July 11th at 1:00 pm EDT to hear Bruce Hall's inspiring story and gain insights on overcoming burnout. Register here: Break Free From Burnout

BurnoutLife BalancePersonal Journey
After experiencing burnout working long, stressful hours in the tumultuous oil and gas field, Megan decided to break out on her own and focus on health and wellness. Megan found a passion for teaching and coaching physical well-being but recognized the need to build mental resiliency in her clients, leading her to study positive psychology. Megan brings her passion for wellness back into the corporate environment by working with leaders to transform company cultures to focus on employee health and wellbeing.

Megan has studied various topics, from creating exercise and diet plans to building mental resiliency, understanding behavior change and creating engaging corporate programs. This led her to create Life Force Wellness LLC, a corporate wellness organization focusing on work-life balance and seven distinct areas of well-being. Megan has a B.S. in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing and a minor in psychology. She holds certifications as a personal trainer, health coach, nutrition coach, corporate wellness specialist, positive psychology practitioner, stress management, sleep and recovery coach.

Megan Wollerton

After experiencing burnout working long, stressful hours in the tumultuous oil and gas field, Megan decided to break out on her own and focus on health and wellness. Megan found a passion for teaching and coaching physical well-being but recognized the need to build mental resiliency in her clients, leading her to study positive psychology. Megan brings her passion for wellness back into the corporate environment by working with leaders to transform company cultures to focus on employee health and wellbeing. Megan has studied various topics, from creating exercise and diet plans to building mental resiliency, understanding behavior change and creating engaging corporate programs. This led her to create Life Force Wellness LLC, a corporate wellness organization focusing on work-life balance and seven distinct areas of well-being. Megan has a B.S. in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing and a minor in psychology. She holds certifications as a personal trainer, health coach, nutrition coach, corporate wellness specialist, positive psychology practitioner, stress management, sleep and recovery coach.

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